
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vinney's Sibling

We found out yesterday that Vinney's mommy is having a baby brother for him. The baby will be named Andrew Ray Maucelli Marshall (after Maw-Maw {Anna} and Paw-Paw {Donald Ray} and me {Donna Rae})

Friday, October 31, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sleepy Baby

Taylor, Jimmy and Vinney all spent the night and they all woke up at 6am. When we were having breakfast Vinney was more interested in going to sleep. haha See the video in the video section.

Vinney at Play

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Happy Birthday Vincent Mikel. The time has flown are getting so big and have accomplished many things. Nani is so proud of her little man. I hope you had a wonderful party yesterday and I look forward to spending today with you. I think I will take you to the park to swing.
Vinney playing in his new playhouse from Uncle Eric, Auntie Joey and Cousins Taylor & Jimmy

Vinney with Cousin Jimmy in his new play house
Vinney with his doe eyes

Vinney with his Auntie Joey before the party began
Vinney posing with his Auntie Joey

Vinney tasting his birthday cake. Yummy!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beginner Walker

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our Boy is Walking

Vinney is now a walker. He started walking last weekend. He is now walking more than crawling. I will post pictures soon.

I am uploading a video of him helping Grandpa mow the grass right now. He has been pushing his lawn mower that Grandpa bought for him all evening...all by himself. Then he noticed Grandpa mowing the grass outside and wanted him so we went outside and .... watch the video.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Grandpa's Boy

Vinney is definately his Grandpa's boy. Kyle can not walk into a room without Vinney crawling to him and wanting him to pick him up. He cries if Grandpa leaves the room and he stares at him all the time to watch what Grandpa is doing. Grandpa plays with him all the time and I caught these pic's and video the other day. They are kinda dark but wanted to show them anyway.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Grandpa Makes a Gate

We got tired of having to lay down our kitchen chairs to block the door way to keep this little guy in a safe room. Grandpa and I went shopping to try to buy a gate to put across our doorway from the livingroom to the dining room (which is 75" across). Needless to say, the only one we found costs $150.00 so Grandpa says "I can build one.". He did and it only cost us $30.00. It looks good too. Great Job Grandpa!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Little Faker

Vinney has learned that if he cries, he gets what he wants. He has now started to act (fake) like he is crying. He scrunches his mouth up and whines, thinking that we will think he is crying. I caught this picture of him doing it but I have got to get a video. It is too funny.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Day at the Zoo

Kyle and I took our three grandchildren (Taylor, Jimmy & Vinney) to the Kansas City Zoo. We had a blast.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Vinney and his cousins -- Izzy & Emmy Jack and Kam Dooley.
Enjoying the 4th of July with family!