
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

What a cutie!!!

We have two teeth

Vinney has two bottom teeth. After several attempts I finally got a picture.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Vinney's First Vacation

Vinney and I will be leaving on April 10th to travel to Florida to see Uncle Eric (their first meeting), Auntie Joey and Cousins Taylor and Jimmy. We are going to celebrate Jimmy's 6th birthday on April 12th. We will be missing Uncle Nick's 20th birthday (April 11) but we will celebrate it early. Auntie Joey had credits on Southwest so she offered to fly us down. We will return on April 14th. Vinney's mommy says she's gonna miss him but she knows he will be well taken care of. We will be sure to take lots of pictures to post.

Finally Getting Better

Well our little sick boy managed to get both Grandpa and Nani sick too. We have all been battling the flu. We are finally getting better though.

The last time I blogged I was on my way to Stephi's house to take supplies for the sick baby. Well, when I got there, Stephi was so sick and the baby was listless. Needless to say, I could not just leave them. I told Stephanie that I would take the baby home with me so she could rest and recover. She protested at first because she felt like a bad mommy. But I told her that was silly, I was going to help her so she could get better so she could take care of him.

Anyway, he came home with me on Wednesday and stayed till Saturday. He was running a temp of 103 and was not feeling good at all. We were all up every couple of hours all night long. he slept with us the whole time he was here. The picture (above left) was him in our bed. The poor baby was miserable. He would cry in his sleep. I was so mad at the doctors for not giving him something to make him feel a little better but they said he was too young to treat.

Yesterday Stephi made another dr. appt for him because I told her I thought he had an ear infection because he would cry when he coughed and was pulling on his ears. I took him to the appt. and his doctor said he had a severe ear infection in both ears. We finally got an antibotic for him. Today he is feeling much better and was even smiling and playing for a while.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Time Our Boy Is Sick

Vinney had to go to the doctor today because he is soooooo sick. His momma was sick the beginning of the week and now he has it. The doctor says it is the flu and he is too young to be treated for it. So our baby boy has to ride this one out. (It may last 7-10 days) I am taking him some pedialite and soup tonight so hopefully he will be able to eat. I just hate the thought of him being sick. :(

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

Doctors Visit

Vinney went to his doctor today and weighed in at a whopping 23 pounds 10 ounces and was 28-1/4" long. He is in the 97 percentile. The doctor said he is the size of an 8 month old. BIG BOY!!!

Coming Home from Work

When we get home, Grandpa runs outside to get Vinney and takes him inside. This picure is right after Grandpa took him out of his carseat.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Vinney Playing Outside

It was beautiful outside today, so Vinney and I went out on the deck for a while. He loved it!!! He got excited everytime he heard a bird sing or a dog bark. I have a video but will post it later.

He is such a good baby. He can pretty much entertain himself if I am busy. (His momma was that way too) I made Spaghetti and meatballs today and he sat in his highchair and ate a cookie while I was cooking. After I was done I took him out gave him a bath and he layed down for a nap. When he woke up we went outside.

It is wonderful having him around. I am not rushing him on anything, I am savoring his babyhood, as I know from experience that it doesn't last long.

Saturday, March 1, 2008